Critics of restocking often state reasons why restocking doesn’t work. One reason given is that
Lake Nipissing is too large. At ~87,000ha, Lake Nipissing is indeed a large lake. It is shallow with an average depth of ~16’. Richly tannic from shield runoff, windswept and well oxygenated, highly fertile, with an abundance of spawning habitat, Lake Nipissing is ideal for walleye. Given the present state of angling pressure, all our dwindling walleye population needs…is a little help.
Lake Nipissing is too large. At ~87,000ha, Lake Nipissing is indeed a large lake. It is shallow with an average depth of ~16’. Richly tannic from shield runoff, windswept and well oxygenated, highly fertile, with an abundance of spawning habitat, Lake Nipissing is ideal for walleye. Given the present state of angling pressure, all our dwindling walleye population needs…is a little help.
A decision was made that an aggressive restocking program was the
solution for Red Lake. 50 million walleye fry would be stocked into Red Lake each year. Oxytetracycline, a chemical used in the US, was
used to mark the stocked fry so an accurate analysis could be determined as to
what percentage of year class were stocked vs natural. (The use of this chemical is prohibited in
The results were amazing! The 1999 and 2001 year classes were the
strongest in over 20 years. Stocked fry
made up over 80% of the 1999 year class, over 50% of the 2001 year class, and
over 80% of the 2003 year class. Stocked
walleye contributed to over 68% of the total walleye harvest in Red Lake. The walleye population successfully returned
to a self sustainable level with the one tool in the tool box our district refuses to
consider, stocking. We don’t have to wait until Lake
Nipissing is devastated! We need
to act now to ensure
our fishery is around for our children.
Scott Nelson
We urge you to read the in-depth report on Red Lake’s success story, as
well as other district’s restocking success
stories, here on our website. We also urge you to become a member of the LNSA
and support our efforts to not only continue restocking walleye here as we’ve done for decades,
but to also convince our local MNR to allow a more aggressive and much needed restocking
initiative before it’s too late!